Free to Bee® formerly Tame your Mind

Hi, my name is Debbie Eaton

I am based in Hamilton, New Zealand. 
I work with people both online and in person to help them find peace and happiness in their heart, body and mind.

Debbie Eaton

My Journey

My journey to becoming a Integrative Practitioner started when I realised my only real way forward in life was by doing self work, which is ongoing and has helped me move beyond the beliefs and perceptions imprinted on my mind from life experiences.

I believe emotional resilience is key to understanding and transforming our lives.  By exploring our challenges and acknowledging the emotional component to them, we gain valuable insights into ourselves, our relationships and the world around us.

I consider myself to be holistic in my approach to people's issues. My focus is very much on providing clients with the space, tools and expert help to empower them on their journey to finding peace and happiness in their heart, body and mind, through increasing emotional resilience.  

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee or warranty that energy healing will cure any illness, condition, misalignment, infection or other - it is a tool just as any other energy healing modality, natural medicine or medical model medication is.

Integrative Practitioner

Today, I'm proud to call myself an Integrative Practitioner. 
My skill set also includes:
⁘ Emotion Code®, Body Code® and Belief Code®  Practitioner
⁘ Life Coach 
⁘ Tomatis® Method Practitioner
⁘ Hypnotherapist
⁘ Trained in Seven Habits of Highly Effective People 
⁘ Trained in NeuroChange Method
⁘ End of Life Doula
⁘ Counselling Student

I have a diverse set of skills and experience. My clients appreciate my warm, non-judgmental, compassionate approach, as well as my ability to connect with and willingness to seek to understand them.

If you're ready to take the next step on your journey toward increased emotional resilience I would be honored to work with you.
Contact me to learn more about my services and how I can support you.

Please Note:

Free to Bee® is not a Medical or Mental Health Agency or Service. 
We are not trained medical or mental health professionals. 
Our training is to help clients move beyond life challenges that they believe are holding them back. 
While our services this may contribute to increasing a person's overall emotional resilience, it is not a replacement for dedicated medical or mental health help, support, diagnosis or advice.
If you are looking for a mental health service please click the link below for a list of agencies providing assistance.