Free to BeeĀ® formerly Tame your Mind

Privacy Policy

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee or warranty that energy healing will cure any illness, condition, misalignment, infection or other - it is a tool just as any other energy healing, natural medicine or medication is.

We take your privacy seriously.  Please read our privacy policy carefully.  We ask you not to engage with us if you are not happy with the reasons we gather your information and how we store it. We do not have our own servers.  We use password protected third party servers for payments, storing client notes and messaging via our website email address.  All technology used to access these third party sites is password protected as are the third party sites themselves.  This website and any other third party website we use is at risk of hacking.  While we do our best we cannot guarantee your privacy won't be breached by information being stolen in a hacking incident.

We collect information from you so we can:
1. Contact you
2. Provide you with the information you have requested. 
3. Keep records including consent forms and session reports for a period of 7 years, as required by NZ law.

Please do not register as a client, message us or engage our services if you are not happy for us to store your information.