Free to BeeĀ® formerly Tame your Mind


I'm always honoured when people gift testimonials to give others hope that their lives can be improved too. 
 At this stage testimonials are sent to me by email and added verbatim to this page.

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee or warranty that energy healing will cure any illness, condition, misalignment, infection or other - it is a tool just as any other energy healing, natural medicine or medication is.

Sarah, NZ   (Long Covid)

I am full of gratitude and free from pain, finally!
I can finally go outside without feeling an intensified pain in my eyes/head and neck, from excruciating headaches/migraines after having Covid four weeks ago.

I can get on with life without 'pushing through' thinking I had to live with these headaches.  I can imagine my relationships will improve now I am not feeling so heavy.  My social life can continue and not be put on hold because I only have enough energy to handle the pain during work hours because I must work, so everything else gets cancelled.  Family activities, my children's activities.  I just couldn't do it.

Debbie not only came to my aide to help ease my pain immediately, she followed up and checked in on me because she is such a caring soul.  I am blessed beyond measure, thank you very much for your amazing healing work on me.  I can not wait to book future sessions and share your work with my family and friends.

Michelle, NZ   (Avoidance following traumatic incident)

Today I was walking around in a very crowded area in a big city ...and I felt great!! No panic or anxiety ..just the freedom to be present with life and my friends.  It felt just like I used to be ... I was safety conscious of my belongings by not intimidated by people.

I felt alive and truly had an awesome day. 
Thank you so much ...I am so gratefulšŸ™for the gift you have given back to my lifeā¤ļø

Jennifer, USA   (Mold toxicity, H.pylori and Lyme)

Debbie is an amazing healer!!!  I was in such a desperate health crisis, due to environmental toxins, with mold being a major part of that.  I was living in our camper away from my husband and 13 year old son, due to not being able to live in my triple remediated home. A little back story is even when mold is gone, it leaves its mycotoxins behind.  I was so sensitive that I could only stand to be in my house for 15 minutes max and I had to wear a N95.  I couldn't even allow my husband and son to be around me in clothing that was from in our house. It made me violently ill.  Anyway, this was very isolating and it went on for 4 months.  We were ready to move ASAP and leave ALL possessions behind, in an attempt to recoup my health and to be together again.
Debbie and I found our way to each other.  After two sessions, I was able to move back into my home, due to her removing the mold energy from my body.  She literally changed the trajectory of our lives and saved us so much money.  We were close to being in financial ruin.  She continued to chip away at my very complex health issues, that included an infection in a tooth, H.Pylori/Candida in my gut, biofilm in my lungs from a Lyme infection, adrenal and liver balancing, and most importantly the stored trauma what I endured, as a child. She worked tirelessly to solve many issues I haven't even listed.  She was always friendly, patient and caring. She would respond in a timely manner and explained things in a way I could understand.
I highly recommend Debbie!!! She truly has a servant's heart!

Suzanne, NZ   (Reaction to wasp and bee venom)

A big big thanks to Debbie.  Just recently I had an altercation with a wasp and got stung on the pad of my little finger.  Within an hour my face and hands reacted and swelled up.   Debbie saw my dilemma and within a day my face had gone down and two days later all traces of being stung had disappeared.   I had no after effects at all.
Two days later my partner got stung by a bee on his face.  We have beehive's but he has always been allergic so takes great care to keep himself safe.   Unfortunately one little bee decided he could get close enough to sting him through his face mask which is made of netting.   Panic set in and his face swelled up until he looked unrecognisable.   I messaged Debbie again and she worked her magic.    Within a day his face had gone down to two days later, back to normal.
I don't suppose to know how it all works, but Debbie has a special gift that she uses to help those who need it and she does so with care and love.
Once again thank you Debbie.  You are an angel.

R, NZ   (Emotions trapped in body)

Debbie is wonderful to work with and has helped me with numerous issues, she is excellent at what she does, intuitive, very quick to find and address the root of the issue.  The energetic shifts I feel in my body since the emotion code sessions is profound.

Debbie is extremely kind and truly cares about her clients and helping people.  I recommend Debbie to anyone interested in improving physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health.