Free to Bee® formerly Tame your Mind

Frequently asked questions

If you have a question about energy healing not answered below feel free to reach out and ask your question.

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee or warranty that energy healing will cure any illness, condition, misalignment, infection or other - it is a tool just as any other energy healing, natural medicine or medication is.

What is energy healing?

Think of your body's energy as a flowing river. Sometimes, emotional experiences, illness, injury or negative beliefs can act like fallen trees in the river, creating blockages and disrupting the flow.

Energy healing with Emotion Code®, Body Code®, and Belief Code® is like cleaning the river. We use gentle techniques to identify and remove these "trees" (trapped emotions, energies and limiting beliefs).

  • Emotion Code® identifies and releases the emotional "rocks" that can cause stagnant energy.

  • Body Code® focuses on any imbalances in your energy flow that might be affecting your physical health.

  • Belief Code® helps remove limiting beliefs that act like dams, restricting your potential.

By clearing these blockages, we can help restore the natural flow of your energy, leading to a feeling of greater well-being and vitality.

If you're ready to make a change now go ahead and book a session today.
To find out more book a free consultation or fill out the enquiry form to learn more about how we can support you move forward in life - ideally to thrive.

Is Emotion Code®, Body Code® or Belief Code® a replacement for traditional medicine?

Absolutely not!  They are all complementary to traditional medicine and can support a person alongside traditional medical treatments.

What happens in a session?

The person has already informed me about their issue when the filled out their consent form.  At the start of the session I connect with the person and then use the information they have given me in regard to their symptoms to identify the trapped emotions, imbalances or beliefs that are interfering with their well-being.  These are released and the session ended with me disconnecting from them.

I send the client a session report of what was released during the session.  Please note when working with children to protect the privacy of the child I do not send session reports for Emotion Code® sessions.

How do people feel after their session?

Each session and each person is unique.  Some people will fell a sense of lightness and liberation while others may feel tired and emotional or anywhere inbetween. 
There is no right or wrong, it just is. 
The body will recalibrate after the release allowing the person to "shift" on their quest to a greater sense of well-being

Do you work with children?

Yes, with the consent of their parent or legal guardian. 
To respect the child's privacy you will not be given a copy of the child's released trapped emotions for Emotion Code® sessions as they are relevant only to the child and are at risk of being misinterpreted by anyone other than the child. 
For Body Code® and Belief Code® sessions you will be provided with a session report.

Can you help pets?

Absolutely! Pets suffer from emotional distress just as humans do, they can even absorb emotions from their humans.  They are also at risk of energetic imbalances such as infections, pain and behavioural issues and unresourceful beliefs about themselves, others and the world around them.

Releasing unprocessed emotions, energetic imbalances and unresourceful beliefs from animals is just as liberating for our animal family and friends as it is for us.

How much does it cost?

My fees are $80 NZ dollars per session for Emotion Code®, Body Code® and Belief Code®
Please note I can not intuit how many sessions a person will need.  Think of it like peeling back layers of an onion where taking off one layer exposes the layer underneath.  As we go through life layers build up masking the layers below.  As we remove layers the underlying layer is revealed. 

For this reason I don't prescribe a number of sessions, rather I leave it to the client to decide what suits their life and budget.

Do I join online or in person?

For energy healing I offer both online and telephone sessions as well as remote non-contact sessions.  Clients choose the option that best suits their needs and preferences. Online sessions are conducted via secure video conferencing software (Google Meet) and offer the convenience of meeting from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.  

Phone sessions are only available in New Zealand and Australia. 
Remote non-contact sessions can be carried out at the nominated time anywhere in the world.  I do ask that you ensure you are not driving or doing anything that requires focus during these sessions.