Free to Bee® formerly Tame your Mind

Our beliefs have an
energetic vibration!

Unresourceful beliefs can be released through The Belief Code®

What is Belief Code®?

Put simply - an incredible tool to reprogramme our limiting beliefs

At Free to Bee® we use an energy healing tool called Belief Code® to help people
find and experience greater peace and happiness

Have you ever felt stuck in a negative pattern?
Do you keep telling yourself negative things like "I'm not good enough" or "I'm not wanted" or "The world is a scary place."?
These are called limiting beliefs and they can hold us back from reaching our full potential.

The good news is, you can change these beliefs!
Belief code, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson of Discover Healing, is a tool that uses a very gentle kinesiology process to identify and release these limiting beliefs. It's like finding the weeds (limiting beliefs) in your garden (mind).  Once you remove the root, the weed can't grow back and better still you can sew the seed of a beautiful flower (empowering belief) in it's place!

By using belief code, you can update your beliefs to be more empowering and resourceful.
Imagine replacing "I'm not good enough" with "I am capable and worthy."  This shift of perception can have a ripple effect in your life, improving peace, happiness, health and relationships. At Free to Bee®, we use belief code to help people rewrite their story to sew the seeds of a happier, more peaceful life.

Imagine yourself living with a greater sense of peace and happiness in your life!
Belief Code® may help you rewrite your beliefs and update your perceptions about yourself, others and the world around you.

If this is something you'd like to explore further, Debbie can give you more information if you'd like it.

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee or warranty that energy healing will cure any illness, condition, misalignment, infection or other - it is a tool just as any other energy healing modality, natural medicine or medical model medication is.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Belief Code®?

Everything in our world, from light to sound, vibrates at a specific frequency.
Even our thoughts and beliefs carry an energy signature.

These vibrations can impact how we feel and how we experience the world.  Belief Code was developed by Dr Bradley Nelson of Discover Healing and is based in this concept.  It helps identify negative or limiting beliefs that might be vibrating at a frequency that disrupts our perception, life and ultimately our well-being.

These unresourceful beliefs are like stuck energy that can weigh us down and limit our potential to experience peace and happiness.  They might be from past experiences or even things we have picked up from others.  From the day our limiting beliefs are adopted they alter our subconscious way of thinking about ourselves, others and the world around us.  Belief Code, like a gentle detective, helps identify and release the energy of these stuck thoughts, beliefs and emotions.  Just like acupressure or massage can release physical tension, belief code can help release mental and emotional tension by addressing the root cause - limiting beliefs stored in the subconscious mind.

By releasing these unresourceful beliefs, we create space for new, empowering ones to take root.  It's like upgrading our internal software!  Belief Code empowers us to adopt beliefs that serve us best, leading to a more positive outlook about ourselves, others and the world around us.  By aligning our beliefs with our highest good, we create a foundation for a happier, healthier us.

We invite you to explore the possibilities of energy healing alongside traditional methods.
At Tame Your Mind, we're here to support you on your journey and help you discover the path to a healthier, happier you.

Are you ready for change?

Get in touch with us today to find out more?

Fill out a Form to
Contact Debbie

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Please Note:

Free to Bee® is not a Medical or Mental Health Agency or Service. 
We are not trained medical or mental health professionals. 
Our training is to help clients move beyond life challenges that they believe are holding them back. 
While our services this may contribute to increasing a person's overall emotional resilience, it is not a replacement for dedicated medical or mental health help, support, diagnosis or advice.
If you are looking for a mental health service please click the link below for a list of agencies providing assistance.